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The Biofuel system is based on man's oldest fuel : WOOD.  For this to work we need land for the tree farm, water, and fertilizer.

Here's how it would work.  We'll start on the southwest coast of Oahu:

1) Existing AES Coal Plant       180 MegaWatts.  Burns 550,000 tons of Indonesian coal per year @ $ 100/ton = $ 55M/Yr.

                           We'll replace it all with 750,000 tons of wood!

2) Vacant  Land       Grow 40 tons of wood per acre per year = 20,000 acres = 30 Square Miles.  Free from the State?

3) Honouliuli Sewage Treatment Plant       30 million gallons per day influent.  Free from the C&C? We'll take it all, pasteurized of course.

4) Water Lines       Pump it out to the farm.  With rainfall, net 40 inches per year for drip irrigation. With the fertilizer built in.

5) Keep on trucking       Deliver wood to plant.  Burn it. 


Startup:    Modify coal plant + modify STP + new 30 mgd pump station + water lines + build farm @ $ 20M each = $ 100M + $ 10 equipment = $ 110M

Annual:  $ 110 M Loan @ $ 10M  +  300 Farmers @ $ 30M  +  O&M @ $ 10 M  +  Truckhaul @ $ 5 M = $ 55M/Year

Same cost as the coal.  WITH A NET ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS!  And 300 local employees. 

Biofuel Video @    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOcQPyAkh2E


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